Friday, February 22, 2013

Mental Patient Thor Halland Sought by Police

Thor Halland Off Psychiatric Medication Presents Danger

Pal Andre Machielsen Under Doctor's Care for Mental Disorder

Thor Halland, the son of a junk yard man from the unpleasant side of London is being sought by police in Thailand for conspiring with Andre Machielsen to disrupt several Thai owned business and foreign social clubs from which they were expelled. Both men are known to be under psychiatric care and medication.

For further insight into the character of Thor Halland consider reading the top Google search return for Thor Halland - YouTube Halland replied to a comment from hayhowwho 2 months ago. Go fuck yourself. 4:17. Watch Later ...

Also see the Guardian newspaper article about past libelous actions of Thor Halland in his mental state.
Guardian Unlimited Talkboards closure | Page 2 | urban75 forums
11 posts - 10 authors - 27 Feb 2011
Defamation attempt fails as high court rules that anonymous ... And it transpires, eventually, that a poster name of Thor Halland made himself objectionable in various ...

Thor Halland falsely claims to do undercover work for the US Embassy in Bangkok Thailand. Halland has been under the care of psychiatrists for most of his life and is under the influence of psychotropic medication for his bipolar disorder.

The Royal Thai Police Immigration Bureau following several complaints from Thaïs is investigating how Halland has legal status to live in Thailand as an unemployed, under retirement age person with no family ties to Thailand.

Thailand frowns on allowing mental patients to remain in the Kingdom. Andre Machielsen, dubbed "Father Christmas" is as insane as Thor Halland.

The  evil mind of Thor Halland presents a danger to Thai society.


  1. Replies
    1. Oops, little slip there Mr. Drew Anonymous. Is it now good work Peter Griffin or Drew :-) This is how intelligent you really are dumb ass.

  2. Thor Halland went berserk at a Pattaya City Expats Club meeting my wife and I attended. He was escorted out and told not to return. Thor is crazy.

    1. Funny how these comments all seem to be 'anonymous' hey Drew?

  3. In order to make sense out of all these lies and slander one only has to go to where Drew Walter Noyes is exposed as a Sociopath. One of the paramount hallmarks of sociopaths is their pathological lying to cover their past and present criminal behaviour and mis deeds. Of course “anonymous” and Peter Griffit is one and the same Drew Walter Noyes for he has no guts to write under his own name. It is understood that Drew Walter Noyes is standing trial for blackmail of Baht 7 Million from a beauty clinic whose owner had Drew Walter Noise and his concubine Wanrappa Boonsu AKA Kung arrested in a sting set-up by the CSD police. It is also clear that he is now victimizing Mr. Andre Machielsen and Mr. Andrew Drummond and Mr. Thor Halland for they stood up to his lies perpetrated in his fake newspaper Pattaya Times and the online version from which he denies to be the owner for obvious reasons. These are upstanding gentlemen without any criminal track record as proven in a recent court case against Drew Noyes. Please read the for the constant barrage of information how Drew Noyes is perpetrating his criminal lifestyle.



    Mr. Drew Walter Noyes, born 3. February 1956, USA
    Passport No.: 036015726.

    He also have been living and doing business in Newport
    Beach, California, USA

    He also have been living in Irvine, California, USA

    He also had a company back in 1990, “New England
    Trading Co.” in Delaware, USA

    Drew Noyes came to Pattaya and
    opened a go-go-bar and a beer bar in “Duck Square” on
    South Pattaya Road.
    Later he opened a go-go-bar and 4 beer-bars in Soi 2,
    he called these bars the “Zebra Beer Bar Center”. The
    Lollipop go-go-bar and beer bars was sold several
    times to different Thais and foreigners, who was
    kicked out by Drew Noyes and lost their money.

    Drew Noyes have two office rooms behind the Lollipop
    a-go-go bar, he have used these two rooms for “short
    time rental” to foreigners who wanted to have sex with
    the bar-girls and he have used the rooms himself to
    have sex with his staff, he normally demand sex during
    job-interviews with new staff, the two small rooms
    (with no windows) he have also used to have very young
    girls do on-line-internet-sex using a web-camera with
    clients Drew Noyes have found in USA.

    Drew Noyes like to have sex with very young girls,
    sometimes as young as 14 years (CONFIRMED). He have been in
    trouble many times when their family found out of his
    sex activities with these young girls. He like to make
    sex with young girls and film it all on video where
    after he shows the video tapes to his wife and make
    her cry.

    His ex wife, Khun Nittaya, claims that her husband always
    tells one lie after the other. “He lies all the time.”

    Drew Noyes like to tell everyone in Pattaya a lie that
    he is a member of CIA and have protection from big
    Thai police and army people, and that he know
    dangerous Thai mafia people. This way he thinks that
    people will be afraid of him and not make trouble to
    him when he kick them out of a bar they have bought
    from him. He also tells people that he do not need a
    work permit to work in Thailand because he is a secret
    agent for USA.

    In USA he have a lot of trouble. Many newspapers have
    written reports about him:

    The editor of “The Beach Weekly”, Carolina Beach,
    North Carolina, USA, writes 28. May 2003 in an email:
    “... I have been asked if Mr. Noyes would “stand up to
    scrutiny” regarding his appointment as MC to something
    called “Expats Club”, where he would be in charge of
    “600 members”. By all accounts Mr. Noyes does not have
    a forthright reputation in this or any other town he
    seem to have done business in. Some people I have
    talked to have identified him as “the crookiest SOB
    (son of a bitch) I have ever met”. I am not sure if
    this phrase will translate well from colloquial
    southern American to Thai, but you get the idea. Mr.
    Noyes has visited Wilmington (North Carolina) only
    once in the past few months so far, and during that
    visit his plane landed at the local airport where a
    lawyer and a Notary Public boarded the plane where
    Noyes signed some documents and then took off.
    Apparently if he sets foot in North Carolina he will
    be arrested by the SBI (State Bureau of Investigation)
    for fraud charges.
    I have no idea what the “Expats Club” is or Mr. Noyes
    reputation in Pattaya, but by all accounts I have
    heard from local business men, I would not put the guy
    in charge of a shoe shine stand, much less a six
    hundred member organization...”.

    The local Rotary Club of Wilmington, North Carolina,
    USA writes in an email:
    “.. Although I do not know the individual, I have
    talked with several individuals who know of Mr. Noyes
    and they would NOT recommend him for membership in a
    Rotary club...”.


    1. Brother Drew is a born-again Christian and he never did any of the things he was accused of.. The only thing I didn't like about Drew was; he said he was Jesus and that is not true at all. Because, I am Jesus and I will pray for all of you. P.S. He's in North Carolina now and I hope he isn't still using my name.

    2. Greetings Jesus, yea, you are so right about Drew. he tried pulling that crap on me one night introducing himself as Jesus. He wanted to borrow 400 baht until his brother's hunch-back straighten out. I told him flat-out that I didn't think he was Jesus. Someone said that Drew had flown the coup and was now back in the USA.

    3. Hey Jesus, what's going on dude? This is Willomena Mildew, I met you at the sleep-over at Drew's house when he was still with Nittaya. I was the gal that had just had my boobs redone. Anyways, I'm glad you're still kicking. Are you still in Pattaya? Are you still hanging out at the 54 Ballroom? Let's stay in touch. O.K.

    4. "May the Four Winds of Esther" bless all of Drew's friends. My name is of no consequence since most of you do not know me and furthermore, will never know me!. I am a retired movie actress with many credits in my portfolio. I have starred with many of yesterday's top movie actors which most are dead. I am 94 years old (but still get the feeling from time to time) and have had the pleasure of many leading men make love to me. None of them can compare with Drew Noyes aka Jesus. Even though his ''Mr. Johnson'' is almost a foot in length he is still very careful when he is making love. Not one time out of several did I ever feel any discomfort. He is truly a masterful technician when it comes to fornicating. Wherever you are my true love, may the spirit of the heavens and the vast spaces of time go with you. Love and kisses all over, Sally Longdrawers.

    5. hey Jesus of what ever your name is I am still mad as hell with you. That stupid trick you pulled, putting that sand in my Vaseline. I still have scars up and down my shaft. i need to sue your butt for that crap..I still don't know, why you did it. Are you some kind of freak or what? You better not come back to Thailand you Jack-ass.

    6. I heard that because of Drew and his many connections he is the one responsible for getting Khun Thalksin back to Thailand. One of the things he agreed to and he told the++ authorities that he would do Khun Thaksins jail time. And from good sources, they agreed to the offer. If anyone knows different please comment down below

    A journalist working for the Morning Star daily
    newspaper informs in an email on 6. June 2003 that
    Drew Noyes seem to avoid paying his bills, since
    several judgments has been filed against him in New
    Hanover County and Wake County (North Carolina)
    Superior Courts. The judgments include $ 1,995 to
    Otter Creek Landing Yachts in New Hanover County
    Superior Court, $ 10,099 to Enterprise Rent-a-Car in
    Wake County Superior court and $ 11,565 to USAirs
    (assuming US Airways) in New Hanover County.

    The daily “Morning Star” newspaper in Wilmington,
    North Carolina writes:

    4. April 1995:
    Headline: Developers and plans deserve close looks
    “... The case of drew Noyes serves as a reminder that
    people are not always everything they seem to be. He
    blew into town not long ago, waving a $ 175 million
    plan for a myrtle Beachlike project on Snows Cut. As
    Scott Gold revealed in the Saturday Morning Star, Mr.
    Noyes is being trailed by lawyers, a phony resume and
    unflattering accusations..”

    1. April 1995:
    Headline: Trouble follows developer
    “... Drew Noyes presents himself as a polished
    businessman, a deal-maker with a humble past but grand
    plans for a ritzy resort complex, marinas and other
    developments here.
    Unknown to investors and town officials, though, legal
    battles have chased him for years.
    A former employer accused Mr. Noyes, 39, of violating
    trade secret laws, and he has been sued by an investor
    in California who claims Mr. Noyes defrauded him.
    A copy of Mr. Noyes’ resume lists a slew of impressive
    but bogus credentials.
    According to legal documents, he has been caught in
    numerous lies and has admitted using an alias (false
    name) to cover his whereabouts. Lawyers in California
    - still seeking civil penalties against him say they
    are trying to track him down.
    Earlier this month, Mr. Noyes announced plans for a $
    175 million resort complex and marina near Snows Cut.
    “He’s a scary guy,” say Greg Walker, a Newport Beach,
    California, lawyer whose investment brokerage company
    accused Mr. Noyes of stealing its customer list there
    years ago. “The last thing anyone wants to do is give
    him a lot of money ... I don’t believe he is
    trustworthy by any stretch of imagination.”
    In a sworn deposition taken in 1993, San Francisco
    attorney Neil Goteiner, who represented the brokerage
    company, told Mr. Noyes that he doesn't “know the
    difference between what’s true and what’s false.”
    Legal documents and interviews with lawyers and
    business associates produced the following allegations
    against Mr. Noyes:
    Mr. Noyes has not paid back, as he agreed in September
    1994, $ 80,000 he used as start-up costs for a
    Carolina Beach development, according to a Florida
    Dr. H. K. Terry, a retired dentist and president of
    Wycliffe Corporation, said this week that his company
    lent Mr. Noyes the money. Mr. Noyes was supposed to
    pay it back, with 22 percent interest, by January. The
    company has not received anything, Dr. Terry said this
    Mr. Noyes said Thursday that Dr. Terry had granted his
    company an extension. Dr. Terry said he had done
    nothing of the sort. In fact, he said, the company
    recently turned down a request for an extension and
    wrote a letter threatening a lawsuit.
    Mr. Noyes is accused of selling 75 shares of bogus
    stock to a California man for $ 25,000. He was sued,
    and a judge ordered him to repay, according to an
    attorney. Mr. Noyes denies it. Shortly after the 1991
    deal, he vanished, and none of the money was used for
    investment, said Ronald Morrison, a Santa Ana,
    California, attorney who handled the case. In 1993, a
    judge ordered Mr. Noyes, who had never surfaced, to
    repay the money, according to legal documents and
    “It has never been satisfied,” Mr. Morrison said. “We
    couldn't find him.”
    STILL TO BE CONTINUED, TOO MUCH FOR TWO TIMES.. Sure Drew you want your blog to become another expose of who YOU are?

  6. In the early 1990s, Mr. Noyes was an account
    representative for a California precious-metals
    distributor called Monex Deposit Co. After he left the
    company, he was accused of taking its customer list
    with him to start his own company - a violation of
    federal trade secrets laws.
    Mr. Noyes was accused of stealing a list of 80,000
    customers, according to Orange County, California,
    Superior Court papers.
    “Noyes specifically stated, and repeatedly reassured
    me, that he had purchased the mailing lists that he
    provided me,” said a former employee of Mr. Noyes in a
    sworn statement. Later the employee turned him in, the
    document say. Mr. Walker says Mr. Noyes was forced to leave after he
    was fired for “improper conduct” that resulted from
    “bad business practices.” In the 1993 deposition, Mr. Noyes admitted that he had
    used the alias (false name) “David Freeman” - “to
    cover my whereabouts.” He also admitted avoiding a
    doctor’s bill by using the name. Tuesday he denied
    ever saying that. “I don’t recall using an alias
    “David Freeman,” Mr. Noyes said . “I don’t recall
    using an alias at all ... Have you ever checked into a
    hotel room and used a different name ? This isn’t
    serious stuff.”
    Mr. Noyes’ resume says he attended Phillips Exeter Academy,
    an exclusive prep school in New Hampshire; Duke
    University; and the Harvard Graduate School of
    Business Administration. It claims he graduated with a
    journalism degree from Duke University, though Duke
    doesn’t offer such a degree. Officials at all three schools say no one with his
    name attended their institution, and in his 1993
    deposition, he admitted making it up. Many of the job listings on the resume are also
    it claims he was the “director of operations” at the World’s Fair in Knoxville,
    Tennessee, and that he “negotiated
    pavilion contracts, developed and implemented
    operations program for a smooth and successful fair.”
    In same sworn testimony, he admitted that he was
    merely a volunteer there to gain experience. The
    pavilion reference on the resume is actually a
    reference to work he did helping a friend get a booth
    at the fair to sell ribs, according to the documents.
    Yet even today, Mr. Noyes still claims he “helped to bring the 1982 World’s Fair
    to Knoxville, Tennessee.”
    The resume also says Mr. Noyes spent four years, from
    1983 to 1987, working for an investment firm. He later
    admitted that for three of those years, he was in
    school and did not have a job “of substance.”
    In the 1993 deposition, he claimed that senior brokers
    at Monex asked him to lie on his resume. He could not
    remember the brokers’ names.
    Mr. Noyes said he never wrote the resume. He
    said one of his enemies at Monex wrote it to damage
    him. According to legal documents from Orange County,
    California, Mr. Noyes was accused in 1993 of
    threatening to fire a co-worker because she would not
    have sex with him.
    A lawsuit accuses him of locking the door to the
    office the two shared and threatening to slice the
    woman’s hours unless she gave him “a little taste.”
    Nine days later, the document allege, Mr. Noyes
    demanded oral sex. When the woman refused, the lawsuit
    claims, Mr. Noyes first cut the woman’s hours and
    eventually fired her.
    “As a condition of employment, she was required to
    have sex with him,” said Gary Kurtz, a California
    attorney representing the woman. “She refused, and he
    fired her. Mr. Kurtz says Mr. Noyes disappeared a short time
    after the woman was fired. The attorney says he has
    not been able to track him down, though the woman is
    still seeking money damages.
    Mr. Noyes denies the allegations, and says he was
    forced to fire the woman because he discovered that
    she had an extensive criminal history. “She started
    trying to extort from the company and from me,” he
    said. An Editor of a local newspaper in Carolina Beach,
    North Carolina writes in an email on 29. May 2003:
    ----- As one can see, Drew Noyes follows a familiar pattern till today, of misrepresenting, lying, cheating and stealing. Now you are the Judge to decide to believe the slander in this blog.

  7. Why don't you publish all of this under your own name Drew or do you only commit libel under fake names?

  8. I have known Drew for years and all this rubbish was thrown out of court and criminal charges are pending against these jealous foreigners who could only wish to be as successful as Drew. He has helped me and literally thousands of foreigners in Thailand, usually for free.
    The false article in the Wilmington Star was retracted,they apologised, the reporter fired and Drew kindly decided not to sue. He is in regular contact with his son in America, Blake,who he has supported throughout his life. Unfortunatly,Sam will be left fatherless soon because of his fathers sexual diseases.
    We all know that PatAnglo is really Andre. His business has recently been closed down and if anybody out there was actually conned into using his overpriced services of this desperate criminal convicted of serious drug charges it would be advisable to have your locks changed.
    He lied and lied to get business trying to give himself credability and claimed amongst other things that he was a Thai citzen. Impossible, as he has a contagious disease contracted by having unprotected sex with underage prostitutes, a claim that he is now accusing of family man Drew. It is sad that these idiots have nothing bettere to do with their time. Private investigators and the police are now looking into these idiots and several criminal cases are already pending, but with his diseases his condition is deterioting quickly and will probably be dead before his day of reckoning in court arrives.
    Drew was invited to Thailand by the royal family to help out with the Asian Economic crisis. He never ran bars such as the lollipop where Andre met his wife, who has been beaten up by her husband many times.
    This is just one of the many lies spread by him and other social misfits that can only dream of being as successful as Drew Noyes, a millionaire many times over.
    He is friends with many HiSo Thais and has done more for childrens charities than almost anybody else in Thailand. These people would not associate with a peodophile.Which is why Andre was thrown out of every club he joined including the Freemasons and the Pattaya Expat club that Drew set up to help foreigners.
    If you search reputable news sources you will see the truth, not one man blogs by people who have been convicted for libel, such as the drunkard Andrew Drummond who was forced to admit he abused his own children.
    All the cases have been cleared Drew Noyes of any wrongdoing.

  9. Drew book into hospital and have a really good break, don't worry about all those bad people telling the truth about you, I hear North Korea are looking for good people like yourself. To rebuild their country. You are the man

  10. Drew Noyes helped me get a visa and sorted out a misunderstanding with the Pattaya police for me. He is a scholar and a gentleman and we are lucky to be graced by his esteemed presence in Pattaya.

  11. Yeah right Dicky. Really the man is off his tree,

  12. Andre. hiding behind the fake name, writes "Drew Noyes like to have sex with very young girls,
    sometimes as young as 14 years (CONFIRMED)."
    She might have been 14, but I can CONFIRM that this girl was no angel.She wasn't fully developed but was well on the way to being a woman.
    Drew had been supporting/sponsoring her for several months, she knew he was already married but was happy to be in a relationship with him and her parents were ok about it as well. What happened was that her family decided to get a bit greedy and started asking for more and more money.They threatened to go to the police in an attempt to EXTORT him.
    This is where they went wrong. Drew explained that he knew the police and proved it. It backfired on them and in the end they fled with nothing. Drew was never charged with anything.
    And all this nonsense about the Extortion of the beauty clinic is overblown. Drew was trying to recoup money that people had lost by using the fake products the clinic was fraudulently using on customers. Most customers were tourists and by the time they realized they had been conned it was too late, as they were already back in the home countries. Drew agreed not to publish this in the Pattaya Times, not to protect the clinic, but to protect the image of Pattaya and the majority of the similar clinics who use genuine products. I can CONFIRM the charges will be dropped and the clinic owners will be duly charged with among other things administering a poison and fraud.
    Similar story with his fraud charges, I can't reveal too much yet, but Drew will not be convicted and charges will be made against the complainants for filing a false police report.
    Andre/Pat continues to publish misleading half truths about Drew and other successful, prominent business people in Thailand. In the next few months this will all be revealed to the few idiots stupid enough to believe this nonsense started by Andre, Thor Halland, Andrew Drummond who are jealous of Drew's success and the influential people he knows. LOOK OUT!

  13. Those influential people are turning. Against you. The truths always win

  14. Mr anoymous(Drew) ,you see you admit that you had sex with a 14 year old girl and believe this is ok,your an old man and obviously a pedophile who is so stupid you admit (through your anonymous disguise) that it is ok and she was the bad person,you are a crazy idiot who needs to have minimum a good kick in but hopefully more,if i ever pass yuo in the street then i will beat the shit out of you as lying,cheating arseholes like you need to be terminated really as you sick in the head in so many ways that it makes normal people want to kill you,

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Andre Machielsen of Master Safety Enterprises